
selamat untuk abdul yang akan sambung belajar.

bertungkus lumus g kedai alat tulis beli kad wish good luck
and finally, hamdalah i managed to buy one.

dan bertungkus lumuslah kakak dan huda menulis ucapan,
sambil kereta keluar dari porch.

kad dihulurkan, abdul tersenyum.
moga semangatmu membara dan selalu sebegitu ya. Amin.

mereka dah pergi, lalu huda bertanya kepada kakak,
"apa yang kyi tulis?"
"nak tahu ape yg huda tulis?"
"when the going gets tough, the tough gets goin'"
"paham ke dia ayat tuh?"
"aiyak.. takpe, mak kan ade"

Best of luck.
Perception will determine our action.
When the going gets tough, only the tough gets going.
Tawakkal, be the servant of ALLAH everytime insyaALLAH.

p.s : thanks to my classmate that remind me the idioms. i like it so i gave it to my bro =)


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