Ya Allah.. Hampir 5 tahun da tggalkn blog ni..mlm ni cikda takleh tido sebab minum teh banyak sangat masa solat hajat tadi.. (Solat hajat kat ALC Tg Lumpur) 

Ni nak update skit gamba2 keluarga yg dah semakin berkembang... 

Sebenarnya banyak gambar latest dah takda dalam hp sebab dah transfer.. 

Tapi semoga yang sedikit ni mampu mengisi ruang yg ada..





ali imran 30-32.. lets ponder

Sahih International
The Day every soul will find what it has done of good present [before it] and what it has done of evil, it will wish that between itself and that [evil] was a great distance. And Allah warns you of Himself, and Allah is Kind to [His] servants."
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
And remember, the day every soul shall find what it has done of good present before it, and what it has done of evil (the [last statement constitutes the] subject, the predicate of which is [what follows]), it will wish that between it and that there were a great distance, an extremely lengthy distance so that it [the evil] could never reach it. God warns you of His Self (this is repeated for emphasis), and God is Kind to His servants.

never reach it. God warns you of His Self (this is repeated for emphasis), and God is Kind to His servants.

Sahih International
Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah , then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
When they said, ‘We only worship idols out of our love for God, that they might bring us close to Him’, the following was revealed: Say, O Muhammad (s), ‘If you love God, follow me, and God will love you, meaning that He will reward you, and forgive you your sins; God is Forgiving, as regards the sins, committed previously, by one who [now] follows me; Merciful, to him.

Sahih International
Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger." But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Say, to them: ‘Obey God, and the Messenger’, as regards the [belief in the] Oneness of God which he enjoins upon you. But if they turn their backs, [if they] object to obedience, God loves not the disbelievers, meaning that He will chastise them (the [third person] pronominalisation [‘they’] is replaced by the overt noun [‘the disbelievers’]).

Safwa Nur Zarifah

Alhamdulillah..selesai sudah akikah safwa..

gamba buh nanti la..

moga Safwa membesar menjadi anak solehah..
begitu juga kat sepupu2 yang lain.. n sufiya..

n moga papa n mama safwan, makcik2 n pakcik2 Safwa juge pembentuk generasi yang soleh dan solehah... (ke nampak macam retorik je? he he.. xpe.. dream big, act small first =)

doakan cikda, cikya nak final!!!!
barakALLAH semua.. moga dapat gather ramai2 lagi..
haritu mak ngah x leh balik.. nak study kate nek wan..
cik yi pun same..
cu alim pun...

love my family so much~usrati kaybee~


selamat untuk abdul yang akan sambung belajar.

bertungkus lumus g kedai alat tulis beli kad wish good luck
and finally, hamdalah i managed to buy one.

dan bertungkus lumuslah kakak dan huda menulis ucapan,
sambil kereta keluar dari porch.

kad dihulurkan, abdul tersenyum.
moga semangatmu membara dan selalu sebegitu ya. Amin.

mereka dah pergi, lalu huda bertanya kepada kakak,
"apa yang kyi tulis?"
"nak tahu ape yg huda tulis?"
"when the going gets tough, the tough gets goin'"
"paham ke dia ayat tuh?"
"aiyak.. takpe, mak kan ade"

Best of luck.
Perception will determine our action.
When the going gets tough, only the tough gets going.
Tawakkal, be the servant of ALLAH everytime insyaALLAH.

p.s : thanks to my classmate that remind me the idioms. i like it so i gave it to my bro =)

Untuk Abdul



Selaku urusetia yang menguruskan bahagian Publisiti dan Hebahan, sukacita saya mengajak pelajar-pelajar lepasan SPM/STPM dan STAM khususnya, ke program "Kem Remaja Unggul (KRISTAL '09)" yang dianjurkan oleh Yayasan Dar Al-Quran, Temerloh. Program ini bertujuan :
  • mendedahkan kepada peserta dunia kampus sebenar
  • sebagai persediaan kepada peserta menghadapi cabaran dan dugaan di universiti
  • membantu peserta memilih universiti yang sesuai dengan kursus pilihan mereka

Dengan bertemakan "MELANGKAH MENUJU MASA DEPAN DENGAN PASTI", program mengajak remaja Islam mengenal IPT ini akan diadakan sepertimana ketetapan berikut :

Tarikh : 18-20 Disember 2009
Tempat : Sekolah Islam Al-Irsyad, Kuantan
Yuran : RM30

Untuk pendaftaran boleh menghubungi

Nazrul, pengarah program ( 014-8403658)

Adibah, S/U program (019-9308783)

Asyraf, Publisiti (014-8408128)

dari meja editor : Jom support Abdul pergi kem!!! Mak n kakngah pening nak ajak g kem hijri, tapi jauh dan bayarannya boleh tahan mahal. Kem ni dekat dan murah. Ape kate jom kempen ke abdul? Moga2 usaha kite ajak dia dapat pahala kan. huhu. Selamat belajar abdul~!


Ni bukan cerita nenek muhammad..tapi nenek cikda.. equals to oyang muhammad.
Semalam, waktu makan petang,
Aki Muhammad bersuara..

"Gilah lawat nenek tu sokmo..Ceriakan dia bile duk sorang-sorang... Teman dia, ajar dia zikir ke.. Dia sunyi tu.. Sedih cucu ramai, anak ramai, tapi tinggal dia sorang-sorang.."

Kenape la aku liat sangat nak g lawat nenek..
Jom lawat nenek beramai-ramai~

Mad, Nabil, JOM!!
Semoga setiap ahli keluarga kita sihat sejahtera selalu,
dikurniakan deria2 yg sentiasa mensyukuri Allah,
dan kefahaman agama yang makin bertambah.

Cuti Sekolah

Salam kasih sayang^^

Cuti sekolah datang lagi!! utk mamad, nabil, dan batrisyia je lah..
tapi same plak dengan cuti sem cikda n cikya..
So, abg long and abg ngah duk umah aki n nek wan je..
cuti dengan cikda..

Semalam, abg long, abg ngah, ajak cikda pergi tengok dinasour..
excited betul budak-budak ni..
Diorang ingat dinasour tu betul agaknya..
Bila cikda nak pegang semua gelepor takut-takut..
Bile balik rumah sume canang2 kat ibu best giler g tengok dinasour..
Tapi cikda bosan je.. Tempat tu kecik je..
Beselah budak-budak, benda kecik pun boleh jadi besar..
Asalkan seronok..

Cikya pun g Langkawi..
Cuti sha,nana, n amani camne plak?

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